The art and craft of pysanky

Archive for May, 2011

If a Tree Falls in the Forest…

Sharing our art with others brings up the question, “Is it still art even if no one else ever sees it?”  I used to think the answer was a total yes, but now I’m not so sure.  Art has both a giving and a receiving aspect.  It involves both the artist and the art patron.  I believe it was actually meant to be shared with a wider audience and not hoarded by its creator.

As some of you may know, in addition to being an egg artist, I also play the cello.  I have been taking lessons for a while now and find it’s the most absorbing and yet most difficult thing I’ve ever attempted.  I work hard when I practice and enjoy it tremendously.  What I don’t enjoy are the recitals my teacher schedules two or three times each year.  Thankfully he has separate ones for his younger and older students.  Believe me, it really helps to know I won’t have to follow a fourth grader playing a piece much more difficult than mine.  Still, I get nervous at the thought of playing in public.  And just so you understand how much of a weenie I am, this particular “public” is only the other adult students and sometimes a few family members.  Even so, it is PUBLIC playing, not my usual me-and-the-cello-with-the-door-to-the-rest-of-the-house-closed.

I’ve been told repeatedly that the more you do something, the easier it gets.  I know lots of “real musicians” who say they love playing before an audience.  I have to say I’m still waiting for that to happen with me.  On the feeling scale from “terrifying to fun,” my score is still a lot closer to terrified.  But I keep at it because I want to be able to share my music with others.  As a growth area in my life, this is not easy but I’m convinced it’s absolutely necessary.  My prayer is that I will continue to step outside my comfortable boundaries to see what God has in store for me out there.  In the meantime, I  have to go practice!

In the News

Here’s a link to the May 2011 Sacramento Talent Magazine.   Check out page 16 for an article on me and my eggs.

And if you want to see how they are made, come to Bella Fiore on Saturday, May 14 where I’ll be demonstrating the process from 5 to 9 PM.